Wars A brief overview of political violence in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Personalities Some information on powerful (or interesting) people in the region.
TravelAn alternative Guide to Turkey.
Media Links On-line media about Turkey and KurdistanLinks to political sites about Turkey and Kurdistan.
Political Links Links to political sites about Turkey and Kurdistan.
Peoples & CreedsSome information about the ethnic groups in Turkey, where they live, their languages and their religious practices.
Links to political organisations
*Except as otherwise noted, all links below are sites in English or with
English parts to it. Links to Turkish only sites will be provided elsewhere.
This is a general site of the Turkish, Marxist-Lenninist organisations,
probably organised by the DHKP-C. This is a very good site with a good set of
databases, useful links and an excellent press ticker. Those who are fans of
Grup Yorum
will find some new songs as well as reports about who has been arrested and
released, etc.
If you want to see what Greek fascists say about Turkish fascists, this is the
site for you. This site is rather over the top in its chauvanism, but it is
interesting since this conflict is one of the defining problems in the region.
One World News
This is a very good news site from the
One World Partners
supersite. The stories here come from very reputable sources such as
Reporters Without Borders
and other international news services.
Washington Kurdish Institute
This site is predominantly on Iraqi Kurdish groups. It is a bit creaky, but
when it is working well it has a lot of information on Kurdish History, culture
and social ways. It also has some digitised samples of Kurdish music as well
as poetry, artwork, handicrafts and antropological information. The site seems
more aimed at an academic audience rather than an outright partisan one.
As one might imagine, this site is the homepage for Apo's [insert Kurdish] PKK.
It is not the most vast site in the world, but it does have some interesting
position papers and analyses. It is rather short on self-criticism, but on the
other hand it does not yammer. Anyone interested in the PKK should read this
to read what they say about themselves.
- Nineveh
This is an Assyrian liberation and cultural issues site. Most of the contributors seem to be in suburban LA, but there is some interesting information about a people who have had a very rough time of it.
This site is similar to the Washington Kurdish Institute.
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
This is the PUK site, the Iraqi Kurdish factions led by Talibani. The PUK is
more to the left of its rival the KDP and has its strongholds in the southern
portion of Iraqi Kurdistan centered around Sulaymaniya. The PUK has allied
itself with Iran in recent times against the IKDP, KDP and Saddam Hussayn.
Also at times the PUK has worked in alliance with the PKK against the KDP.
Kurdistan Democratic Party
This is the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the other main Iraqi Kurdish faction
headed by Barzani. The KDP has its strongholds in the northern part of Iraq
along the Turkish frontier and has cooperated with the Turkish security forces
in operations against PKK bases in northern Iraq. Recently there has been a
rapprochment between Barzani and Saddam Hussayn which included assistance by
Iraqi army units in the capture of Arbil from the PUK in 1996. The KDP site is
a lot better than the PUK site.
A human rights group with a page on Turkey. Lots of news stories from
mainstream newspapers as well as specialist here.
Kurdistan Human Rights Project
A small site, but with some good pictures and artwork
Kurd Index
Another small site. This one features a nice index of documents, poetry and
fiction. Worth a look.
- Kurdweb
A rather extensive German based site on Kurds and Kurdish issues. There are a lot of resources here when it is working well. Also many good links.
- From Germany
A largely German language site on Human Rights in Turkey.